The F-connector is facing downwards and thus protected by the housing. At the feed side, an offset scale indicates the proper adjustment for satellite positions ranging from 45 degrees to the East and the West from your place. The AE54 fits perfectly into 40mm feed mounts. The most sensitive spot of an LNB for water and moist is where both metal housing parts meet. We even encountered open spots on some LNBs of which we can guarantee they won't last long. Physically testing an LNB is very easy: just put them into an aquarium. To go for the extra mile, expose them to 60 degrees centigrade as well as 25 below. Most manufacturers don't like this way of testing, but it gives the most accurate results. The AE54 survived the aquarium test without any problems. Extreme temperatures will always more or less influence the LOF; but it's less for the AE54, which came up with a value of around ±3MHz. Small enough to fit within the AFC range of every digital receiver available at our test department. Suppressing neighbouring signals gives a result of -12dBm for the AE54, which has to called very good. The gain of a 26MHz-wide transponder signal should be equal all over. Too large differences within the 26MHz range can cause problems in reception of digital bouquets. For the AE54 we measured differences of ±0.5dB. |