Astra 19.2'E Free to Air Digital Channels The following channels could be received with a Sky Digibox connected to a 60cm dish aligned on 19.2'E with a "Universal" LNB. Last updated on June 30, 2000 Note! Some channels change very often. This is meant to be a guide only. Please let me have updates if you find changes. You can store up to 50 "Other Channels" in your Sky Digibox, as follows: Connect Astra 19.2E dish to the Digibox Press [services] Press [4] System setup Press [4] Add channels Enter a bouquet frequency as listed below and set the Symbol Rate to 27500 and the FEC to 3/4. Move the on-screen cursor to "Find Channels" and press [Select] Wait until list of programmes appears on screen. Press [yellow] button to store each desired programme. Press [Select] when you have finished storing programmes. Repeat this to add more programmes on a different frequency. To view a programme press [services] and [6] then use the arrow buttons to highlight the programme you want to watch or hear. Press [select]. If the programme is unavailable you can press [backup] to return to the programme list. Otherwise you must press the above button sequence each time you want to change programme. Freq | Pol | Programme | 11.740 | V | K1 etc. film previews | 11.758 | H | 100,6 German radio from Berlin | 11.798 | H | Premier World film previews | 11.837 | H | Bayerisches FS (German) | | | WDR Fernsehen | | | arte | | | SR Fernsehen Suedwest | | | Das Erste | | | Hessen Fernsehen | | | BR-alpha | | | SWR Fernsehen | | | Phoenix | | Radio | Bayern4 Klassik | | | B5 Aktuell | | | Bremen2 | | | Bayern1 | | | NDR4info | | | SR1 | | | HR2plus | | | HR2 | | | HRXXL | | | HR1plus | 11.856 | V | Canal+ | | | Bloc Note C+ | 11.875 | H | Niepokalanow | 11.934 | V | Mosaico (promos) | | | Andalucia TV (Spanish) | | Radio | Radio Espania | 11.954 | H | ZDF (German) | | | 3SAT | | | Eurosport | | | ORF | | | ZDFinfo | | | ZDF Theaterkanal | | | ZDF doku | | | Euronews | | Radio | DLR-Berlin | | | DLF Koeln | | | Oesterreich1 | 12.051 | V | ProSieben Schweiz (German) | | | ProSiebenA | | | KabelSchweiz | | | KabelAustria | 12.109 | H | ARD-Online-Kanal | | | B1 Berlin | | | Eins Extra | | | Eins Festival | | | EinsMuXx | | | MDR Fernsehen | | | N3 | | | ORB Fernsehen | | Radio | Jump | | | Fritz | | | MDRinfo | | | MDRKultur | | | Radio3 | | | SFB4 Multikulti | | | Sputnik | | | SWR-2 | | | WDRRadio5 | | | WDR3 | 12.129 | V | KTO (French) | 12.207 | V | La Cinquieme (French) | | | LCP (French) | 12.363 | V | TV5 (French) | | | RTM Maroc (Egypt) | | | ESC1 (Egypt) | | | RAI Uno (Italian) | | | DW-tv (German/English) | | | RTPI (Portuguese) | | | TV7 (Tunisia) | | | ARTE (French) | 12.402 | V | Fashion TV | 12.441 | V | Canal Canarias (Spanish, some English) | | | TVCINT (Spanish) | 12.48 | V | ProSieben (German) | | | Kabel1 | | | tm3 | | | DSF | | | SAT Eins | | | Home Order TV | Different parameters must be set for the following programmes: Enter a bouquet frequency as listed below and set the Symbol Rate to 22000 and the FEC to 5/6. 12.552 | V | Sky News | | | Astra Vision (German) | | | QVC Germany | | | RTL Letzebuerg | 12.61 | V | Sky News | | | Astra Vision (German) | | | QVC Germany | | | RTL Letzebuerg | | | Alice (Italian) | | | Video Italia | | | TV5 Europe (French) | | | Liberty TVcom (French) | 12.67 | V | AC3 Test (German) | | | n-tv (German | | | Grand Tourisme (French) | |