SatCure Audiophile Adjectives The following adjectival phrases can be used to construct a colourful but totally meaningless review article for almost anything to do with audio! Please feel free to donate more if you find any. - The valves do have some remoteness.
- The immediacy and presence
- The highs are a bit sweeter
- The lows are incredibly lush and defined
- The midrange has lost most of its focus
- Hateful tizzyness in the top end.
- ... wire sounds "sweeter" but perhaps "sloppier" than...
- There was an absence of a sweet midrange colouration
- Transients increased at the expense of midrange texture and air.
- Lovely, spacious, coherent music.
- ..give you a much larger sonic picture, but less focus and low-level subtlety.
- The deep fundamentals leave you gasping for breath.
- Telefunkens are very rolled off in the highs.
- Lots of air around instruments
- Amazing sonic character
- ..will impart a "warm" sound to the system
- A lack of "atmosphere" and "quietness"
- Great tube harmonic depth and slam.
- Quick, smooth, dynamic, musical, not fatiguing on highs and crescendos
- ... tends to thicken up instruments and voices quite a bit
- ... got enough solid state zing and lots of palpability, presence, air ..
- ... gave a nice sense of space around the individual instruments
- ... to get more atmosphere and "quietness" around instruments
- A little less musical down low and up high.
- An occasional honk on a horn during arias
- Russian tubes are pretty neutral.
- A bit of sibilance in them
- ...wire of exceptional musicality.
- The lack of multiple crystals should prevent inter-crystal diode effects.
- The former sounds better in the midrange, the latter sounds "muffled" overall
- The ear is oblivious to phase shifts above 20K.
- Valves and transistors possessing different sonic signatures....
- Smoother more natural sound
- More realistic harmonics
- ... with the hand-wound capacitors imparting an unbelievable smoothness
- Like a monkey hitting a dustbin lid with a dog's bone..
- Devoid of the hardness which afflicts most transistorised amps
- Uneven tonal balance
- Bass is slightly loose and emphasised
- Bright and pure treble
- Upper registers were cleaner and less fizzy
- ... imparting a new plumminess to the sound
- Bass was faster and meatier
- ..gaining in speed and impact
- Image precision and soundstaging of the warehouse variety
- Tizzyness in the top end
- These cables have a pinched sound that goes away over time
- The whole experience can become quite hollographic
- The ears need time to adjust to any system or setup
- A whiteness during intertransient silences
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