| NOTE: This decoder is obsolete. Accessories mentioned on this page are no longer available. I have spent several happy hours with my One For All remote pointed at my Filmnet decoder, searching for codes to emulate the original remote control, which was not supplied with my decoder, and would like to share my findings with you. Of the 40 keys which appear on the original remote's Jpeg, I can emulate 17 functions by pressing the "Magic" key, followed by the appropriate 3 digit sequence. Full details are given in my attachment Filmnet.txt The other 23 functions appear to be TV, rather than decoder orientated, and may not have any effect on an original remote control. Sadly, I couldn't find a key sequence for the "Standby" button either, so my Filmnet decoder has to run continuously! There were a few additional features, accessible by a single One For All command, such as Label, D2mac info, Radio and Subtitles on/off. I suppose it would be interesting to ask anyone who has an original Filmnet Decoder remote control, if there are any other functions which I have missed - but otherwise, I am going to write a key sequence macro for the "10" and "20" buttons, to switch over to cards 1 and 2 respectively. Kind Regards A J Butters ajbutters@iee.org PHILIPS BBD-901 FILMNET DECODER REMOTE CONTROL KEY LEGEND (40 KEYS) 1,1 VOL - 1,2 VOL + 1,3 PROG - 1,4 PROG + 2,1 FASTEXT RED 2,2 FASTEXT GREEN 2,3 FASTEXT YELLOW 2,4 FASTEXT BLUE 3,1 ? - 3,2 ? + 3,3 ? 3,4 ? 4,1 1 MAGIC 205 4,2 2 MAGIC 109 4,3 3 MAGIC 141 4,4 MENU ON MAGIC 103 5,1 4 MAGIC 045 5,2 5 MAGIC 077 5,3 6 MAGIC 237 5,4 MENU + MAGIC 068 6,1 7 MAGIC 013 6,2 8 MAGIC 172 6,3 9 MAGIC 204 6,4 MENU - MAGIC 228 7,1 0 MAGIC 173 7,2 -/-- 7,3 D2MAC INFO MAGIC 016 7,4 MENU OFF MAGIC 135 8,1 TEXT CLOCK 8,2 TEXT SIZE 8,3 TEXT INFO 8,4 TEXT INDEX 9,1 TEXT HOLD 9,2 TEXT REVEAL 9,3 TEXT MIX 9,4 ? 10,1 TEXT ON MAGIC 050 10,2 TEXT OFF MAGIC 176 10,3 MIX 10,4 STANDBY PHILIPS BBD-901 FILMNET DECODER ONE FOR ALL DEVICE CODE SAT 200 MAGIC KEY SEQUENCES PRODUCING A RESPONSE (20 COMMANDS) 012 LABEL ON/OFF 013 7 016 D2MAC INFO ON/OFF 045 4 050 TEXT ON/OFF 068 + 069 RADIO ON/OFF 077 5 103 MENU ON/OFF 109 2 135 OFF 141 3 172 8 173 0 176 TEXT OFF 204 9 205 1 228 + 237 6 240 SUBTITLE ON/OFF  | |