Where to buy


Thyristor S0802MH by Tag Semiconductors Ltd

From "Mark5" http://www.mark5.co.uk

+44 (0) 23 9261 8616      Fax: +44 (0) 23 9261 8619

You can download the full specification as a PDF file.

(Windows users should right-click on "Download" and select "save target as". Be sure to select a suitable directory in which to save the PDF file. Macintosh users should "alt click" on "Download" (hold the "alt" button while you click) and select where you want to save the PDF file. This description applies to Internet Explorer but other browsers operate in a similar way. If you are using a different browser we would be happy to put the instructions here, for the benefit of other users, if you e-mail them to us).

DOWNLOAD thyristor specification

Spring-loaded mains toggle switch: Farnell 422-034

Toggle switch cover: Farnell 151-352


Capacitor 1uF/400v DC Farnell 548-248


Resistors R1 - R3 47k/0.75W/350v Farnell 337-377

Resistor R4 1k5 0.25W


Diodes D1 - D34 1N4007 Farnell 251-732


T2 Transformer 240v : 240v 12vA type DB247 from Mike Holmes:


M. C. Holmes, P.O. Box 6206, Aurora, Basildon, Essex SS14 0AA


Other items

T1 Motorbike ignition coil from any bike repair shop or scrap yard.

L2, C2 suppression components taken from a scrap satellite receiver or similar.



This can be obtained from two UK suppliers at present.

John Peel & Son Ltd
Baildon Mills, Baildon, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD17 6JY

Tel: 01274 583276 Fax: 01274 598533

Free shade card on request (for colour matching)

£5 minimum for flock samples

Howley Engineering Spray Technique
33 Hardwick Grange, Woolston, Warrington, WA1 4RZ

 Tel: 01925 810810 Fax: 01925 813477

(No samples and minimum order 25 kilos!)