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Fitting Instructions and User Guide for the Infra-red link kit (IR-link)
To be used together with Satellite receiver SAT 8001 SAT 1800 IRD, SAT 8003 CS / MAC V CS / SR 5900
The box for your IR-link kit should contain the following items:

the IR receiver
the special IR-link adapter with a cable
this fitting instruction and user's guide
Fitting instructions
Connect the long cable socket on the IR-link receiver to the " RF" input on the TV.
Connect the short cable socket on the IR-link receiver to the RF-cable.
Fit the IR-link adapter on the "TO TV/VCR" output on the rear panel of the satellite receiver and connect the other end of the RF-cable to the adapter.
Connect the "adapter-cable" to the output "IR LINK" on the rear panel of the satellite receiver
Check that the red indicator in the IR-link receiver is on, indication that the IR-receiver is correctly connected.
If you have a 3rd TV connected you must use a splitter (accessory). You also must connect a 5 V DC-block (accessory) between the splitter and the RF-cable.
Viewing a satellite TV programme on the 2nd TV via IR-link
With the ordinary or an extra remote control of the same type you can do everything described in the User's Guide even from the 2nd TV.
You will have the same satellite programme on both the 1st and the 2nd TV.
For further information, see the User's Guide to your Satellite receiver
Copyright ©1998 SatCure
Version 1.1 updated on 3/5/99
This file may be downloaded for private and personal use but NO part of it may be published in any form without the prior permission of the author.
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